por admin | Dic 14, 2018 | Sin categoría
ESPAÑOL ENGLISH COMPARISON OF SEVERAL GLIDER FEATURES USING THE SOFTWARE XFLR5 Chapter 5 Influence of weight Influence of weight: To compare different configurations we must understand what parameters we must compare and place a unit of «measure» of that...
por admin | Dic 14, 2018 | 2017
ESPAÑOL ENGLISH COMPARISON OF SEVERAL GLIDER FEATURES USING THE SOFTWARE XFLR5 Chapter 4 Analysis of flight modes Analysis of flight modes: We already have our model. We have placed its profiles in position along its wingspan, its tail and a less...
por admin | Dic 14, 2018 | 2017
ESPAÑOL ENGLISH COMPARISON OF SEVERAL GLIDER FEATURES USING THE SOFTWARE XFLR5 Chapter 3 Analisys of a Wing Analysis of a wing. All that we have seen above applies to the flow of air around a profile in 2 dimensions, or what is the same, as if it were an infinite...
por admin | Dic 14, 2018 | 2017
ESPAÑOL ENGLISH COMPARISON OF SEVERAL GLIDER FEATURES USING THE SOFTWARE XFLR5 Chapter 2 The First Reynolds Number Analysis The first analysis Reynolds Number: Everyone has heard of Reynolds number. Is something like listening everywhere we are in a crisis … But...
por admin | Dic 14, 2018 | 2017
ENG/ESP ENG COMPARISON OF SEVERAL GLIDER FEATURES USING THE SOFTWARE XFLR5 Chapter 1 We start in this article a series that tries to apply to close examples to model gliders the powerful capacity of analysis of the tool XFLR5, I have not found much written in...